Saturday, February 11, 2012

I am from Los Angeles. Fuck you.

People want to show off their English skills.  Most people who choose to passively show off their skills (without coming up and actually addressing the listener) speak in a way that fully betrays their lack of understanding.

The following are different ways that people show off their English skills around town.

A group of children on the corner.


"My name is Annie.  What is your name?"


A man sitting in a restaurant on the other side of the privacy curtain that guards us women from being seen eating.

"ohmygod.......(waiting for a reaction from our table of Americans)........Ohmygod. (waiting)......  OHMYGOD."

While I was standing at the bus station waiting for a friend to arrive, a young man holding a box of old shoes passed by me.

"I am from Los Angeles.  Fuck you."

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